Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Resultados de traducción para to be worth en español

noun | adjective

worth noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
valor (monetario); valor, mérito, valía

Ejemplos de uso de
worth noun

  • A diamond's worth is determined partly by its cut and clarity.
  • The worth of the stocks has increased.
  • The furniture was of little worth since it was in such bad condition.
  • He has proved his worth to the team.
  • The book has proved its worth by saving me hundreds of dollars.

Sinónimos de
worth noun

worth adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
que vale

Ejemplos de uso de
worth adjective

  • Each correct answer is worth five points
  • It takes a long time to get a table at the restaurant, but the food is well worth the wait.
  • It's worth a try.
  • This book is not worth reading.
¿Sabías esto?
  • El adjetivo worth se usa a menudo de una forma gramática inusual y significa que vale la pena realizar una acción. En frases como It's worth it o it was worth the effort, worth describe la acción como si fuera un objeto, no obstante todavía retiene la forma de un adjetivo (no se dice it worthed the effort).

Traducción inversa para to be worth

valor  (monetario) - value, worth, importance, courage, valor 
valor  - value, worth, importance, courage, valor 
mérito  - merit 
valía  - value, worth 
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